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Wall Street & Communism: A Perfect Partnership

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It's interesting how different threads of economic history converge in unexpected ways. In the book, Broken Capitalism: This Is How We Fix It, I said:

The 2008 Wall Street Communist Revolution. The 2008 Wall Street bailout was the largest government intervention (as a percentage of GDP) in world history. It was even larger than Russia’s 1917 Communist Revolution 100 years ago. In case anybody thinks I’m exaggerating, let’s remember that communism is fundamentally an economic system in which the people who control the government expropriate private property and give it to somebody else. That’s exactly what happened in 2008 as the U.S. Treasury and global economy were plundered by the convergent interests and actions of a tiny group of people in Washington and Wall Street. In fact, since 2008, we have seen an orgy of corporate welfare and bank-bailout socialism amounting to approximately $29 trillion.1,2 That’s a level of wealth confiscation and redistribution that Vladimir Lenin and his Russian Bolsheviks could have never imagined.

Irony is Often the Purest Form of Truth. I wrote that paragraph above as an ironic commentary on the hypocrisy, conflicts of interest and self-dealing that occurred in 2008 when the same creatures on Wall Street that wrecked the global economy were in charge of deciding who should get bailed out with taxpayer money. At that time, I didn't realize how historically accurate and ironic that paragraph actually was.

Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover. I recently read Antony Sutton's book, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists. This was Sutton's follow-up to his previous book, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler: The Astonishing True Story of the American Financiers Who Bankrolled the Nazis. Based on their shocking titles, at first I thought both of these books were probably conspiracy theory screeds with little or no evidence to substantiate them. To my surprise, both of these books are among the most sober and well-documented books of economic history ever written.

The Evidence. Both of those books contain an overwhelming amount of evidence, including incriminating financial records; official U.S. State Department cables; official correspondence between bankers, Federal Reserve officials and corporate executives; and many independently verifiable historical documents. Collectively, these documents prove without a doubt that dozens of giant U.S. corporations, banks and Federal Reserve officials directly promoted and financially supported the rise of Soviet communism and Nazi fascism. That means they were directly responsible for the death camps, gas chambers, gulags and atrocities of the 20th Century that resulted in up to 100 million human deaths. (I've included a partial list of dozens of famous so-called capitalists that directly supported the Communist Revolution at the end of this article.)

Reality Check. On the surface, the claims that Mr. Sutton and I are making here might seem illogical because the typical narrative (brainwashing) that we learn from the media, university curricula and shallow social discourse is that capitalism and communism are two polar opposites on the ideological spectrum. Famous capitalists and institutions like JP Morgan, Guaranty Trust Bank, National City Bank, John D. Rockefeller, Averell Harriman, the du Pont family and dozens of their capitalist comrades couldn't possibly have any affinity for Trotsky, Stalin and the evil communists, right? Wrong.

Truth & Certainty Can Only Come from Well-Documented Books. When you think deeply about the monopolistic tendencies of all giant corporations, and when you think deeply about the hyper-centralization of both communist regimes and giant corporations, the alignment of economic and political interests between centralized corporatocracy and centralized communism becomes crystal clear. These kinds of revelations and deep truth can only be discovered by reading well-documented books because the shallow public discourse in the media and government today is dominated by corporate interests that spend USD billions every year to make sure that your mind is saturated with endless propaganda about how much you need their products and enlightened leadership. This is why the unique Gini Book List is an important vaccine against mind-rotting corporate and government propaganda.

Statism Elevates Profits Over People. The result of the alignment of interests between collusive politicians and giant corporations is their shared perception of the world, which manifests in the form of unabashed statism. This is an ideology that elevates highly centralized government and highly centralized industrial conglomerates above the liberty, freedom and best interests of the general public. In fact, creating a captive market of debt-enslaved humans, a collapsing human labor force with no bargaining power, dominated by a tiny number of collusive politicians and corporate executives, is the perfect way to ensure that profits keep flowing to a tiny number of giant, highly centralized corporations. (Of course, the profits overwhelmingly flow to an even tinier number of their largest shareholders, senior executives and their favorite politicians.)

Statism Spawns Corporate Welfare & Corruption. Statist ideology enables executives of giant banks and corporations to rationalize to themselves that they deserve corporate socialism in the form of taxpayer-funded bailouts. Statism is the self-serving ideology that enables them to ignore the fact that they are responsible for wrecking their own companies and destroying our economies in the first place. Statism allows them to fleece the American people with endless financial engineering scams, destroy our privacy with a rapidly expanding government-corporate surveillance state, and destroy the quality of our lives with a grossly over-priced and dysfunctional healthcare system. Statism causes them to regurgitate shallow, faux-libertarian talking points about how protecting human labor's bargaining power and helping their fellow humans with social safety net programs is evil socialism.

Statists Always Embrace Centralized Corporate & Political Power. For many self-serving politicians and corporate executives, life is about making money and/or obtaining an unchallenged monopoly on political power. So it's no surprise that statist ideology has permeated the minds and actions of many corporate executives, communist and fascist politicians and Federal Reserve officials since the beginning of the 20th Century. It's their shared desire for centralized economic and political power that they all have in common, regardless of the superficial differences that may appear in their shallow partisan rhetoric.

Meet Your New A.I. Dictator. It's critical to understand that all the giant banks and corporations today are following substantially the same monopoly-minded statist playbook. They have substantially the same economic incentives and statist perception of the world that inspired their predecessors to enthusiastically support communism and fascism in the 20th Century. They have the same self-serving delusions that they alone are capable of guiding humanity into the future; and thus, humanity should simply trust their hyper-centralized, profit-obsessed ambitions. The primary difference today is that, instead of a cult of personality leader like Stalin, Hitler, Mao . . . giant banks and corporations and their cronies in government today are elevating A.I. as humanity's new enlightened dictator, which they conveniently control just like they substantially controlled the human dictators of the 20th Century.

What Can We Do About It? For all the reasons above, Gini is building decentralized monetary and community governance systems with built-in ecosystem stability mechanisms, which fundamentally prevents the concentration of economic and political power into the hands of a tiny number of monopoly-minded politicians and corporate executives. This is the only realistic chance that humans have of preventing a worldwide, A.I.-powered corporatocracy from completely dominating our planet.

The Clock Is Ticking While Our Freedom Is Fading. Because A.I. will become so overwhelmingly powerful within just a few years, we have a high degree of urgency to act now. Once A.I. is fully operational within our government institutions, law enforcement departments, corporations and fiat economic systems and markets, it will be too late to stop the politicians and corporations that control them because the A.I. will be too fast, too powerful and too ubiquitous to fight. At that point, resistance will be futile.

Join us and be part of the peaceful resistance now before it's too late.


1. Carney, John. “The Size of the Bank Bailout: $29 Trillion.” CNBC, December
14, 2011.

2. Greenstein, Tracey. “The Fed’s $16 Trillion Bailouts Under-Reported.” Forbes.
Accessed April 20, 2017.

3. Below is a partial list of dozens of famous so-called capitalists, the giant corporations they managed, and the revolving door of Federal Reserve officials who directly profited from supporting the Russian Communist Revolution in 1917. Many of these names are not as familiar to people alive today, but these were some of the most famous Wall Street and American corporate executives during the first half of the 20th Century.

P.A. Rockefeller
W. Rockefeller
P.A.S. Franklin
J.P. Grace
James Stillman
G.H. Dodge
H.A. C. Taylor
J.O. Armour
R.S. Lovett
J.W. Sterling
F.A. Vanderlip
J.A. Stillman
G.H. Miniken
M.T. Pyne
E.P. Swenson
E.D. Bapst
Frank Trumbull
J.H. Post
Edgar Palmer
W.C. Procter

J.N. Hill
Newcomb Carlton
A.B. Hepburn
D.C. Jackling
S.H. Miller
E.R. Tinker
C.M. Schwab
A.H. Wiggin
H. Bendicott
John J. Mitchell
Guy E. Tripp

W. Averell Harriman (one of the founders of the famous Brown Brother's Harriman investment bank)
Alexander J. Hemphill (Chairman)
Charles H. Allen
Edgar L. Marston
A.C. Bedford
Grayson M-P Murphy
Edward J. Berwind
Charles A. Peabody
W. Murray Crane
William C. Potter
T. de Witt Cuyler
John S. Runnells
James B. Duke
Thomas F. Ryan
Caleb C. Dula
Charles H. Sabin
Robert W. Goelet
John W. Spoor
Daniel Guggenheim
Albert Straus
Harry P. Whitney
Albert H. Harris
Thomas E. Wilson
Walter D. Hines
London Committee:
Augustus D. Julliard
Arthur J. Fraser (Chairman)
Thomas W. Lamont
Cecil F. Parr
William C. Lane
Robert Callander

J. Ogden Armour
Percy A. Rockefeller
G.J. Baldwin
John D. Ryan
C.A. Coffin
W.L. Saunders
W.E. Corey
J.A. Stillman
Robert Dollar
C.A. Stone
Pierre S. du Pont
T.N. Vail
Philip A. S. Franklin
F.A. Vanderlip
J.P. Grace
E.S. Webster
R.F. Herrick
A.H. Wiggin
Otto H. Kahn
Beckman Winthrop
H.W. Pritchett
William Woodward

Charles B. Alexander
Henry E. Huntington
Albert B. Boardman
Edward T. Jeffrey
Robert.C. Clowry
Otto H. Kahn
Howard E. Cole
Alvin W. Krech
Henry E. Cooper
James W. Lane
Paul D. Cravath
Hunter S. Marston
Franklin Wm. Cutcheon
Charles G. Meyer
Bertram Cutler
George Welwood Murray
Thomas de Witt
Cuyler Henry
H. Pierce
Frederick W.
Fuller Winslow
S. Pierce
Robert Goelet
Lyman Rhoades
Carl R. Gray
Walter C. Teagle
Charles Hayden
Henry Rogers Winthrop
Bertram G. Work

Daniel G. Wing, Boston, District No. 1
J.P. Morgan, New York, District No. 2
Levi L. Rue, Philadelphia, District No. 3
W.S. Rowe, Cincinnati, District No. 4
J.W. Norwood, Greenville, S.C., District No. 5
C.A. Lyerly, Chattanooga, District No. 6
J.B. Forgan, Chicago, Pres., District No. 7
Frank O. Watts, St. Louis, District No. 8
C.T. Jaffray, Minneapolis, District No. 9
E.F. Swinney, Kansas City, District No. 10
T.J. Record, Paris, District No. 11
Herbert Fleishhacker, San Francisco, District No. 12

William Woodward (1917)
Robert H. Treman (1918) Class A
Franklin D. Locke (1919)
Charles A. Stone (1920)
Wm. B. Thompson (1918) Class B
L.R. Palmer (1919)
Pierre Jay (1917)
Class C George F. Peabody (1919)
William Lawrence Saunders (1920)

William G. M'Adoo
Adolph C. Miller (1924)
Charles S. Hamlin (1916)
Frederic A. Delano (1920)
Paul M. Warburg (1918)
W.P.G. Harding (1922)
John Skelton Williams

NATIONAL BANK FÜR DEUTSCHLAND (As in 1914, Hjalmar Schacht joined board in 1918):
Emil Wittenberg
Hans Winterfeldt
Hjalmar Schacht
Martin Schiff
Paul Koch
Franz Rintelen

Harry F. Sinclair
James N. Wallace
H.P. Whitney
Edward H. Clark
Wm. E. Corey
Daniel C. Jackling
Wm. B. Thompson
Albert H. Wiggin

James Brown
C.E. Bailey
Douglas Campbell
J.G. White
G.C. Clark Jr.
Gano Dunn
Bayard Dominick
Jr. E.G. Williams
A.G. Hodenpyl
A.S. Crane
T.W. Lamont
H.A. Lardner
Marion McMillan
G.H. Kinniat
J.H. Pardee
A.F. Kountz
G.H. Walbridge
R.B. Marchant
E.N. Chilson
Henry Parsons
A.N. Connett

The list above is excerpted from Sutton's book, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. If you need more proof, read the book and many other well-documented nonpartisan books in the Gini Book List.

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