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Gun Violence: What Causes it & How Do We Stop it?


Gun violence is an important issue to us at the Gini Foundation because it's a symptom of deeper socioeconomic problems, which we have been predicting for years in our 无党派 书籍和文章。我们在基尼(Gini)建立的分散式货币和社区治理系统,专门用于解决导致美国和当今世界枪支暴力的许多问题。

建立共同点。 The article you're reading now is the first part of Gini's four-part 枪支暴力 series. Parts 1–3 ask and answer a few basic questions to establish a common foundation of knowledge for people from all walks of life and ideological perspectives. Part 4 builds on the first three parts and ties everything together. You won't fully understand part 4 if you jump straight to it; so, please read all the parts in numerical order.

一如既往,谨防特殊利益集团。枪支控制 debate creates opportunities for powerful special interest groups to conflate their narrow interests with the broader public interest, which is a problem we've discussed extensively in the 基尼书. The logic of some special interest groups can seem rational at first, but many people don't realize how easily their perceptions can be hijacked by the interests of profit-seeking corporations. This is a big problem that prevents meaningful progress on many issues today. Whenever we see socioeconomic problems with these characteristics, we work to provide our Gini readers with 无党派 事实,数据和分析,以帮助他们从当今世界上所有令人困惑的噪音和宣传中提取真相。

For our readers' convenience, each article starts with the links to all four parts of the series and ends with a link to the next part. You can continue reading part 1 after the links below.


数百个视频 that illustrate how random psychotic humans can kill you if you don't have a way to defend yourself. Those are only the events captured on video. We can reasonably assume they represent a tiny fraction of all the violent events that occur in every country every day, which are not always reported in the media. It's difficult to watch those videos and not come to the conclusion that guns are necessary to protect ourselves 在很多情况下. This is especially true in business establishments where valuable assets attract robbers, but it's also true in our homes and schools ("soft targets") where valuable assets 珍贵的家庭必须得到保护。

暴力会变得更糟。 由于我们的基尼人预测的所有社会经济原因 图书 and articles, there's little doubt that violence in the U.S. and around the world is going to get much worse unless fundamental economic and political system changes are implemented. Additionally, state and municipal budgets throughout the U.S. have been severely impaired since the 2008 financial crisis. Their economic conditions will continue to deteriorate with the deteriorating national economy, but cities and states don't have currency printing presses. That means local, state and federal social programs will be slashed, which will amplify the socioeconomic problems even more. At the same time, shrinking police department budgets will be under pressure from all sides as disintegrating socioeconomic conditions spawn more violence.

剥夺使人类成为不人道的动物。 许多美国人 (包括我)拥有自己的枪支,以保护他们爱的人免受精神病动物的侵害。该 准科学和严重缺陷的研究 善良的人类所表现的是幼稚的,并且可以说是不道德的 如果 它们被用来防止守法公民自卫。作为 经济难民人数 continues to expand, many of them will turn to lives of crime and violence out of desperation to feed themselves and their families. Despair and desperation can quickly turn relatively good humans into vicious, inhumane animals. This is one of the most significant reasons why it's so important to design economic, labor, trade . . . 和枪支控制 围绕公平,可持续原则的政策,这些政策反映了现实 现实世界,而不是意识形态上的幻想。

阅读第2部分: 我们可以防止邪恶的动物杀死无辜的人类吗?

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